Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kicked from stonecore yet again!

  I'm on my DK once again, I que for a random heroic, and get the stonecore. Some of you must be thinking - omg this is the hardest instance evar!!! - its not, if you have the right group. Well...the group i got was ok...all guildes, which I only noticed once I got kicked D:... back to the story....I see that they have pretty good gear, so i think this should go well...and it didn't go too bad. We didn't wipe on the trash (yay), and made it to the first boss. We pwnd Corborus, got the loot, and i got kicked. I wuz like, wtf  D: what did I do? Except for most dps. Mage had the highest gs, ~9.2k, and I did moar dps, 11k dps at ~8.7k(gs), and the mage did 9k dps. So I got kicked cuz I did too much dps? :(

      Anyway, I qued up again, got sfk, got pwnd by the commander (third boss) twice, healz and 2 dps left, I qued back up with the tank and suggested we skip him (since tank pulled the boss outta the desecration once he was ready to cast the new one -_-)

Then we get to the fourth boss, Lord Walden, and the tank gets pwnd about 30% into the fight, which means the boss had ~70% health left. Boss used Mystery poison, or unstable mixture, and it was green...you know what that means...and the tank didn't move. /Pwnd. Me, super awesome epic fail dk, changed to blood presence, and kept death striking (yea, its on my action bar, for stuff like this...), with the super awesome epic failadin healing me. We managed... barely. Healz was oom, I spammed ds when i could, and the day was saved.

Lastly, we moved on to the last boss (5 times!), it didn't go too well. The tank wuz failing, and we kept getting pwnd (bad gear doesn't really help). But then somehow, out of nowhere, we killed him, and got the bullet time achievement :D. The healer already wanted to kick the tank, and asked if I could, I lied and said i couldn't, but I didn't even try. Its not nice to kick someone when you're on the last boss (even if he is bad). So somehow, he got us the achievement, and we won. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it's not over until it's over. Or the last boss got kicked lol. Nice sentiment regarding the tank. We all have our up and down days.:)
