Thursday, March 3, 2011

L2heal noob!!!

  I qued for Vortex Pinnacle yet again, this time on my druid (still waiting for those shoulderpads to drop). I checked the gearscores before we started (to get an idea of how it will go). The hunter had the highest gs(gearscore), followed by the mage, then the dk, the tank, and last, but not least, me. All goes well until we get to the first boss...
that's when the failin and blamin started...The vortexes retract, hunter gets pwnd. Takes ~180k damage in ~5 seconds, then tells me I'm not ready for heroics :( Everyone stacked on me...chain lightning hit and "splashed" on all of us -_- The tank and hunter talk about kicking me, but "for some reason" they couldn't initiate...I wonder why...

   We give it another try, and I "forgot" how to heal hunters that want to kick me >:D Then again, you would expect a player with a 9k+ gs to know wtf they are doing. Now we know where the term "huntard" comes from. The hunter left while we were in the middle of it, got a paly, spawned on a few vortexes and got instapwnd. The tank thought it would be funny to stack on me so we take more damage, or he was just ignorant of the existence of splash damage. He kept complaining, and i said : "you're just mad, cuz you're bad". He kept tanking in aoe, I commented on it, and he finally quit his whining.

  Today I tested if I was wrong about the hunter taking too much damage on the first boss of VP. I dpsed on my failadin. My divine protection isn't glyphed, and I used my divine shield :( Anyway...I took ~90k damage over the whole length of the fight, not 180k in ~5 seconds -_-

1 comment:

  1. Whiners are the antidote to good gaming!! Just like in the "real" world, lol.
